Friday, November 30, 2012

Advanced Degree Visas...Solution or Bigger Problem?

Immigration is obviously not an easy issue for our Government to “resolve,” nor will it be an easy issue for both parties to come to an agreement. Democrats already began creating more opportunities for our nation’s immigrants who have been living in the United States by passing a part of the Dream Act. With this many students that have graduated High School can now start creating their career, knowing they are going to have an opportunity to work in their field of study. Recently this past Friday the House approved abill that redirects 55,000 visas to those foreign students that are studyingscience, engineering and math in the United States. Yes, many would think this is a small step to something larger for the rest of our immigrants, but of course it is not that easy. This bill shows why immigration is such a difficult issue for our government.

This bill that was passed allows for students who are studying science, math and engineering; also known as STEM, in the United States to receive a visa, and in certain circumstances allows for the students family to stay in the United States until they are legalized. This bill of course had many different responses to it by both political parties. Some people think that allowing for more students to come from other countries with a visa is a decently good idea, and something positive to strive for. But how can our country allow for more immigrants to come in, if they cannot even legalize those that are already here. Some Democrats argued that the immigration issue shouldn’t be dealt in pieces that it should be done as a whole. While some Republicans argued that this issue is so big, the only way to tackle it is by minimizing it into sections. Point is immigration has to be solved one way or another, but how are we going to achieve that if our government won’t really discuss the issue. Is taking away general diversity visas to give more visas to those that are studying that awful, or that amazing?

An issue this big isn’t going to be resolved over-night; maybe small steps such as this bill are the just what it takes for there to be a change. For this to happen though, both parties of our government need to discuss the issue and compromise. Maybe giving visas to those foreigners that are studying in math and science isn’t such a bad idea if the genera visas to immigrants aren’t taken away. Our government has a long way to go to make a bigger change in the issue of immigration.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed the blog post “Advanced Degree Visas...Solution or Bigger Problem?” explaining the current events on immigration in the United States. It explains that immigration has been an issue for a while and has been tough for our government to resolve. Recently the House of Representatives passed a bill named STEM, “that redirects 55,000 visas to those foreign students that are studying science, engineering and math in the United States”. In this blog it talks about the bill and how it could be a stepping stone towards all immigrants. Although there are different views from different political parties such as “how can our country allow for more immigrants to come in, if they cannot even legalize those that are already here? Some Democrats argued that the immigration issue shouldn’t be dealt in pieces that it should be done as a whole.” This bill allows students in the United States to receive a visa, and in certain circumstances allows for the students family to stay in the United States until they are legalized. While Democrats don’t think this bill is that entirely great, Republicans think that breaking down immigration into pieces and solving it that way would be more successful. Regardless this blog proves that immigration is such a large issue that both parties need to get together and compromise a solution for this issue. Although, it seems like it will take our government a while till we see that done.