Friday, September 21, 2012

Embrace Diversity

"We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions -- bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and equality." -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Kanwardeep Singh Kaleka states his opinions about the temple where his uncle was killed. There is a substantial rise in homegrown hate. There have been more attacks from non-islamic U.S citizens, than from islamic U.S citizens. He doesn't want for the nation to just over look this cultural hatreds, because they are not just going to go away. There are at least 1,018 domestic hate groups in the United States because they can't accept different races, cultures or idealogies. The government needs to worry about protecting our freedoms and stoping terrorism in our nation besided those abroad. This article shows us problems that we know are there, but never really bother to take a good look at them. The shooting at this temple received less attention from the president than the shooting in the Colorado theater. It shows how even our leaders are xenophobics.